Thursday, August 06, 2009

Jacket Blurbs 8-5-09

  • "Where were sharp black letters laid out like lacquered chopsticks on a clean tablecloth?" – Kindle and the Future of Reading, via.
  • "Tree loves boy. Boy loves tree. Boy grows up. Boy exploits tree. Tree takes it all silently, growing less happy with each lonely year." – The American Scene, via.
  • "Besides posting on my blog, I've begun also to distill some of my views into 140 characters or fewer. Welcome to my orgy, Twitter." – Soapbox: Critics Don't Need Free Books.
  • "I dumped you because I can't bear being called Josh. Every posh twat in a rom-com is called Josh." – Confessions of a Bridget-Jonesalike.
  • "How welcome is a black teen going to feel in the YA section when all the covers are white?" – Judging the book business by its covers, via.
  • "Optical-scan, Multi-use hardcopy files imprinted on dedicated, crashproof media…" – Jackson St. Books sign.
  • "I personally know half a dozen librarians, and not one of them is anything close to happy. One of them is named Darryl, and there’s no way someone with that name could be happy." – Why books are stupid, via.
  • "[The book is] a story of the human relationship with food, told through biographies of the apple, the tulip, marijuana, and the potato."Kottke's favorite books.



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